
Redis as custom storage for NestJS rate limiter

Published September 14, 2021Last updated December 1, 20242 min read

A rate limiter is a standard protection technique against brute force and DDoS attacks. NestJS provides a module for it, and the default storage is in-memory. Custom storage, Redis in this case, should be injected inside ThrottlerModule configuration.


The configuration should contain

  • TTL (time to live) in seconds
  • maximum number of requests within TTL
  • Redis URL
// app.module.ts
import { APP_GUARD } from '@nestjs/core';
import { ThrottlerGuard, ThrottlerModule } from '@nestjs/throttler';
import { ThrottlerStorageRedisService } from 'nestjs-throttler-storage-redis';
// ...
imports: [
inject: [CustomConfigService],
useFactory: (configService: CustomConfigService) => ({
ttl: configService.THROTTLER_TTL_SECONDS,
limit: configService.THROTTLER_LIMIT,
storage: new ThrottlerStorageRedisService(configService.REDIS_URL),
// ...
export class AppModule {}

API endpoints setup

Binding the throttler guard can be done in multiple ways.

  • guard is bound globally for every API endpoint.
// app.module
import { ThrottlerGuard } from '@nestjs/throttler';
// ...
// ...
providers: [{
provide: APP_GUARD,
useClass: ThrottlerGuard,
export class AppModule {}
  • global guard is overridden for the specific API endpoint with the Throttle decorator.
import { Throttle } from '@nestjs/throttler';
// ...
export class UsersController {
async getUsers() {}
  • global guard is skipped for the specific API endpoint with the SkipThrottle decorator.
import { SkipThrottle } from '@nestjs/throttler';
// ...
export class PostsController {
async getPosts() {}


Here is the link to the template I use for the development.