Node.js developer with a Computer Science background focused on back-end web development. Gained full-stack experience while working on side projects. Participated in 12 hackathons.
Work experience
- Implemented API endpoints for the new features
- Implemented message queues handlers
- Implemented endpoints for the internal tools
- Fixed multiple bugs
- Extracted multiple endpoints from the legacy to the new API gateway
- Migrated authentication from the legacy to the new microservice
- Designed and implemented multiple dockerized microservices
- Rewrote translation service and its cronjobs
- Integrated external services and implemented caching to reduce additional requests
- Designed and implemented various dockerized microservices
- Developed back-end components for one in-house web app
- Implemented several chatbots on different platforms (Messenger, Twilio)
- Developed back-end components for the main in-house product
ImageBoost - AI bulk image upscaler. Built with Node.js, TypeScript, Next.js, Electron.
Apeiner - Telegram chatbot for sending stats about trending NFT collections. Built with Node.js, Express, Cron, Bottender.
Storyteller - Project for internal InterVenture hackathon. We made a generator of stories (for kids) based on parameters. Integrated with OpenAI API (GPT-3). Built with Angular, Node.js, Express.
FlatMe - Web app for finding apartments for rent and sale. Front-end is built with React, Next.js, Firebase. Back-end is built with Node.js, TypeScript, NestJS, TypeORM, Redis. Mobile app is built with React Native.
Open borders - NLP classifier for open borders (related to COVID-19 restrictions) for Serbian citizens. Built with Node.js, TypeScript, NestJS, Redis, node-nlp.
Sportista - Messenger chatbot for managing sports activities. Built with Node.js, TypeScript, NestJS, Bottender, Redis, TypeORM.
Recommendation engine for ATM search based on workload challenge