
Demos for my posts

This repository contains a codebase of demos related to the topics in my posts.

Getting Started

To get started with the demos, you will need to become a GitHub sponsor. Once you are a sponsor, you will automatically gain access to the repository.

  • AI bulk image upscaler with Node.js: Enhance multiple images simultaneously.

  • Scraping with Cheerio: Practical HTML parsing and straightforward data extraction.

  • Health checks with Terminus: Implement and manage health checks in your application.

  • Push Notifications with Firebase: Implement real-time notifications in your app.

  • Progressive Web App: Create a web app that works offline and mimics a native app experience.

  • PDF Generation with Gotenberg: Learn how to generate PDFs dynamically.

  • Sending e-mails with Mailtrap: Test email sending in development without real users.

  • Sending e-mails with Sendgrid: Send emails from applications using Sendgrid.

  • Spies and mocking with Jest: Practical examples for testing JavaScript code efficiently.

  • Spies and mocking with Node test runner: Dive into testing Node.js applications effectively.

  • Splash screen with React Native: Create a splash screen for Android apps.

  • Tracing with Jaeger: Monitor transactions in complex distributed systems.

  • License key verification with Gumroad API: Limit and monitor the usage of license keys.

This repository will continuously be updated with demos for upcoming blog posts.

Getting Started

To get started with the demos, you will need to become a GitHub sponsor. Once you are a sponsor, you will automatically gain access to the repository.

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